Inside are lots of coupons as well as this MIR. Just buy one Lysol No Touch Hand Soap System, between Oct 13 and Jan 11, 2013. Fill out the official refund form, attach your original receipt with the purchase circled and the UPC handwritten on the receipt. Lysol will send you up to $14.99 to cover the cost of the product plus taxes and postage! Last year they had this offer and I sent in my purchase of $14.99(plus tax). 10 weeks later I got a check for $17.38.
Sent mine in this year on Oct 22. On Dec 23 got a check for $15.16. This is a great one to hang on and do on a Shoppers 20X the points day. You would now be down to spending $35 and would get at least 10000 points which is worth $26 at a Mega Redemption. Oh, and by the way, I heard that Dec 1-2 will be a Mega Redemption at Shoppers!!! 95000 points will be worth $250! What are you saving up for???? |