January is typically a great time for deals at the grocery store. As I have mentioned I keep what is called a Pricebook. A Pricebook is a record of prices of grocery items. Prices typically fluctuate in an identifiable pattern. Usually an item has 2-3 dips in the year, where the prices are at their lowest. The whole premise behind this is to buy grocery items when they are at their lowest and to plan in season and on sale menus. This week at Superstore:
no name® flour
all-purpose, unbleached or whole wheat 10kg First 1 per family purchase $5.98!!!!This is screaming. Plan to have a friend or your husband come with you and you each buy a bag. At this price a cup of flour costs .20. If you are keeping a Pricebook write this one in as it is a new low.(Flour is one of the items that has drastically increased in price, I used to be able to get this same bag for $3.48 at least 3 times a year!)If you have a chest freezer it is most efficient when full, so toss your extra bag in the freezer!
no name® cheese bars
selected varieties (excluding extra old)907 g $7.98 This is $1 cheaper than last year!This works out to $8.80/kg which is a very low price for cheese.Remember you can shred and freeze cheese for casseroles, fajitas,etc.
Neilson yogurt
selected varieties, 175g works out to be .33 ea. This is the lowest price I've tracked, even better than buying it in the large size!
no name® sour cream 1 L $2.98 Lowest price is $2.78 but regularly it goes down to $2.88 in January.
fresh pineapple $1.98 ea lowest price
Delissio Rising Crust pizza frozen, selected varieties1.67 - 1.85 kg $9.99 (Of course it's cheaper to make it yourself, and better tasting! I use the bread maker to make my dough.)
Superstore has the buy $250 get $30 off coupon. I don't typically use this as my purchases, things that are at their lowest, aren't usually more than $80 a week. I used to use it and found I was paying more for most of the items that week and I ended up buying things just to get to $250!?
fresh slicing cucumbers .86
no name® salsa mild or medium, 1.89 L $4.48 which equals $2.37/L and the lowest I have tracked this brand.
Homemade Ice cream Cake
It's a fun tradition to be able to have Dairy Queen Ice cream cake for a birthday celebration, but as we looked at the $20 for one cake, we decided to try to find a comparable homemade recipe. In the process I found a new blog to follow. The recipe I am going to follow is from this link.
Citizen Bank follow up: To follow up on the post I did about getting bank accounts with Citizens and receiving $50, we did it and the $50 is in our accounts and earning interest. Not bad pay for a few minutes work!
Happy Saving!!!Sue